Elite Broker Podcast – ‘How this broker provides finances across the Pacific Ocean’

Self-Employed | 25 Feb, 2020

I had the immense pleasure of speaking with Annie Kane on the Elite Broker podcast. This is what we talked about.

Obtaining commercial and home funding has traditionally been difficult for both expats and the self-employed. Lenders often class expats as non-standard borrowers. The self-employed can sometimes struggle to show a stable income and continuity of employment. In both cases, lenders may require borrowers to provide a higher deposit or meet more stringent proof of income requirements.

At Stapleton Finance I have focused our expertise on helping the self-employed and expats who are looking for commercial and home financing. It’s an interesting space to work in as a finance broker, but it’s also an important one. 16.86% of the workforce in Australia is self-employed (over 2 million Australians) and there are estimated to be over 1 million Australians currently living overseas, with that number estimated to increase to 1.35 million by 2030.

I didn’t fall into those areas through the luck of the draw. I chose to focus Stapleton Finance’s niche in these segments due to the culmination of a series of life events. These events took me on an incredible career journey through the South Pacific and back again. This journey drove my passion and gave me an opportunity to bring clarity to my work’s focus.

I was immensely grateful to be able to talk about these issues (and more) on the Elite Broker podcast. Annie Kane, the host, is the editor of The Adviser where she writes about the Australian broking industry, fintechs and the wider lending landscape. It was a true pleasure to speak with her.

If you’d like to listen to the podcast it’s available via the Elite Broker’s website, Apple Podcasts or PlayerFM.

And if you’re self-employed or an expat and would like to know more about your options for property financing, reach out. We’d love to help you.


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